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Cheng Jing Lu 程靜路  


中學時代曾受著名版畫家應天齊先生美術指導,於 1989年畢業與中央美術學院設計及裝潢系作品追求天趣自然,層次縱深,光感效果和神秘感,注重主題與背景的融合,擴大畫面的容量和意境,畫風流暢,張揚而不失嚴謹精微,飄逸清秀,耐人尋味。作品廣見於香港、中國大陸、法國。

Born in 1963, Artist Cheng Jing Lu's father was an art teacher; the artist was cultivated under the art atmosphere since childhood. In his mid-school time, Cheng Jing Lu was instructed by the famous Chinese artist Ying Tian Qi. Artist graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts with a major of Design.

His art is fueled by the love for Nature, the usage of natural light and layering captured the raw mystery of Nature and mother land, creating a lasting flavor that could be tested throughout the time.
Cheng Jing Lu’s work is widely shown in China, HK and France.
He is a member of China Calligraphers Association.

Since 2015-current, No animals was harmed in the making

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