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Candy Bird 的塗鴉、壁畫作品常與現實環境結合,利用想像力把表達的內容,巧妙融合成獨特的、笑中帶淚的幽默。他的作品題材廣泛,主要分為兩種,一是利用自身在面對諸多制約時產生的無奈情緒,放大影射人生當中無形的壓迫。第二是反應時事議題,譬如正在運轉中的諸多「發展」政策,在單向度的思考下,往往是在美好口號裡踐踏人的基本價值,Candy Bird 有時會選擇在被強拆的斷垣殘壁上直接作畫,希望透過作品促使更多思考的可能,喚起被遺棄的珍貴價值觀。
Candy Bird's graffiti and murals often blend into the environment, showing us the originality of the artist's artwork and humor. The subjects of Candy Bird's work vary, but the main two is always about the feeling of restriction that can't be dealt with, and the current issue of land development. Often times, CandyBird would choose to work on walls and buildings that are about to be taken down in order to recall the moral values that were thrown away by people.
各位鄉親 All Folks
Artist// Candybird Size// 116 x 103 cm Medium//舊木盒、水性油漆 Year// 2013 *畫作購買相關問題,歡迎連絡我們
鑰匙 The Key
Artist// Candybird Size// 41.5 x 27.5 cm Medium//舊門板、水性油漆 Year// 2013 *畫作購買相關問題,歡迎連絡我們
甜筒 Cone
Artist// Candybird Size//42.5 x 28 cm Medium// 舊木頭抽屜、水性油漆 Year// 2013 *畫作購買相關問題,歡迎連絡我們
手銬 Handcoff
Artist// Candybird Size//39 x 36 cm Medium// 紙板、簽字筆、粉彩、舊框 Year// 2013 *畫作購買相關問題,歡迎連絡我們
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