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台灣人,1999年開始在以ANO的名字在街頭塗鴉,精通各種塗鴉手法。 常以Pixel(像素)的風格作為最基本的創作元素,用最少的點跟最少的顏色挑戰人類對視覺的極限,再結合遊戲主題製作互動藝術作品,讓藝術更貼近生活。


Taiwan artist ANO is famous for his dynamic pixel style as well as detailed realistic painting skills. Often fuse game machine and storyline influence into his art, ANO has been one of the most recognisable artists in Asia.




Alex studied architecture at Bangkok’s King Mongktut Institute of Technology. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree on a Department of Fine & Applied Arts. An interest in architecture led Alex Face to explore and wander the streets and alleys of Bangkok for abandoned buildings, buildings that he eventually used as a canvas to develop his street art and where he could express himself. Alex consider himself as an artist with a social conscience. His current signature, a quizzical smoking baby who looks wise beyond his years at first glance cute but all the time worrying about the future of the world. The baby idea was inspired by the birth of his daughter. “The first time I saw her she looked angry or worried”. It made him wonder why she looked like that, causing him to reflect on the life she had ahead. “I thought are you not happy to be my daughter? Are you not happy to be in the world?” Ultimately this world changing personal event had caused Alex to consider the future and in particular to take stock of the changes happening in his own country, the country in which she would grow up.




Omen’s been setting things straight. Since the late 90′s, Omen has been blurring the boundaries between graffiti and street art with his singular style of painting, both on and off the streets. Using spray cans as his primary medium, he has been leading the aerosol movement towards a truce with the established art world.Omen’s style is immediately recognizable, often cast in stark black and white his murals and canvases have a haunted quality about them. His use of negative space and ephemeral but controlled lines allows one to enter his paintings in a way that few street artists offer their viewers.


來自加拿大的DABS1從1993年開始塗鴉之後,轉為以塗鴉與設計專案創作為主。其創作風格結合滑板、衝浪等次文化元素,創作概念中也強調深化正統塗鴉與未來塗鴉主義等主題,並加上當代塗鴉字體與其代表的強烈原生精神。 曾多次與Givenchy、Nike、Adidas、PUMA、Stussy、Red Bull等知名品牌合作。於2009年成立自己的街頭日誌“N.O.Y.F.B“,發行至今也擁有“R.T.T.C“與“DAMAGE“品牌。


DABS1 has been involved in the graffiti art movement, and muralist projects since 1993.  Major concepts of inspiration in the present bodies of his works are underground graphics relating to skate/surf and street “sub-culture”, while focusing strong attention to conventional  “graffiti style”, and "graffiti futurist" themes developing a personalized expression of contemporary urban typography, with an emphasis to it’s raw energy and lifestyle.Corporate mural works and design based clients are industry brands names such as : Givenchy, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Stussy , Red Bull  including numerous other commercial projects, and private commissions.In 2009 he started publishing a personal street zine journal called 'N.O.Y.F.B.' which is still currently in circulation, and also continues to design within the fashion apparel industry developing two brands called ‘R.T.T.C.’ and ‘DAMAGE Group’.


台灣人,筆下多以衣不蔽體的裸男為主,2000年接觸塗鴉藝術至今,作品遍佈全台,也因此成為了台灣塗鴉史上被民眾檢舉次數最多的創作者。 黑雞先生認為,創作是一種誠實面對自我的方式,基於對這片土地的關懷,作品中處處可見針對時事的強力批判,直接不做作、言詞犀利卻又令人難以反駁,以幽默的手法來喚醒人們心中對慾望的渴求及尊重,及對世俗虛假偽善的道德觀作出一番嘲諷。將“醜陋”視為語彙,發展出屬於自身的一套創作模式,並藉由作品重新詮釋與體制、社會議題、人與環境的相互關係,試圖顛覆人的既有價值觀,排除外在表像,從另一角度來思索人事物的內在本質。


Mr. OGAY is famous for this little ugly boy figure. Ever since he started to do start art in 2000, his art has been all around Taiwan and he became one of the most exposed street artsit that has been the most reported by the public to police. Mr. Ogay sees art as a honest form to voice the truth about life and society, and it is the ugly boy characters he meant to arouse the attention and make the audience care those have been neglected. 

Since 2015-current, No animals was harmed in the making

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