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Ceet Fouad


Ceet Fouad是領導世界塗鴉藝術的當代藝術家,亦是天生的娛樂家,擅長把身邊事物透過藝術演繹成活生生的故事呈現于觀眾眼前,帶給人們無限驚喜與歡樂。生於法國的Ceet對塗鴉藝術的追求和熱誠始於其家鄉圖魯茲,城市中大大小小的角落早已佈滿他的塗鴉藝術創作,把藝術搬離藝術館,為這個小城添加了一份獨特色彩。


       二零零三年,Ceet離開法國選擇到中國繼續分享他的藝術才華與熱誠。自那年起,他一直活躍於中國各種類型展覽、藝術專案及美術演出牌如 Hainan RendezVous 2011和 Le French May,受多個廣告公司和生活藝術品牌賞識,如今他已成為多個國際知名品牌如Adidas, Airbus, Ecko, Loewe, Moiselle以及Prada的藝術大使。

      Always the entertainer, Ceet, can often be found telling an animated tale to a crowd of wide-eyed listeners. The ending is always the same as the audience doubles over in laughter, and a big grin emerges from the face of the world's leading graffiti and contemporary artist, Ceet Fouad. Ceet's voracious appetite for life began in Toulouse, France, where he was born 40 years ago to parents of North African origin. He spent his early years painting graffiti on any and all inanimate surfaces in his home town with hisstreet crew, Truskool and Trumac. 

      His graffiti style reflects his energetic personality and approach to life. Largely based on an interplay of colors and wild style lettering, the finished product is controlled and mechanically executed, yet sophisticated in the design style and finish. Ceet is not one to sugar coat the truth, and his work often reveals a brutal honesty about experiences from his own life. He  has experimented with a variety of mediums; murals, sculptures, graphic design and canvases, through which he exposes his hopes, failures and opinions with his audience.

        A trip to China captivated his love for raw energy and in 2003, Ceet left France to share his talents and passion or contemporary art with China. Since 2003, he's been very active in China with diverse exhibitions, events and artistic performances.

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